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The Dream Voyage of the

Icebearg Bear

A State of Mind

The departure point of the exhibition was

an irresistible desire to have the Icebearg bear travel

through multiple decors.


This work sheds light on the different emotions

I had as I created it between energy and being in a fog.

Each decor reflects one of my States of Mind. 

The challenge was how to create a real experience without a physical place, how to share emotions without meeting others, how to truly live on virtual platforms.


Presentation of the exhibition

In this video, I present the origin of the Icebearg bear,

why I want to take you on a dreamy voyage

and how the exhibition is set up.


Mock-up of the exhibition

For this exhibition, I wanted to create a mock-up to highlight

a scenography that immerses you in the atmosphere of each room.

You can visit this mock-up in the video.

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Exhibition circuit


I invite you to enter the

5 rooms to experience

5 different emotions that

I share through this experience.


The scenography blends artwork,

sculptures, photographs and surreal installations.

Through this mock-up, you will discover

imaginary scenes and videos on Instagram.


How can you follow the exhibition?

The exhibit is currently visible on my studio’s Instagram account @solennevdbdesign.


Each week I present videos, triptychs, mock-ups

and the work of other artists.


I invite you to follow me on Instagram @solennevdbdesign to immerse yourself in this exhibition.

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